Human Resources Process Management

Human resource management is comprehensive information about employees, essential for the objective evaluation of goals and results. Improve team performance and operational outcomes!
As competition increases and technological and economic conditions change, HR management solutions and their significance shift from administrative to strategic. The organization's operations and growth directly depend on the knowledge, capabilities, and work of its employees. Employees use a self-service portal through which they can initiate any process, review its description, track the progress, and view related documents. Processes are integrated with computer forms, "MS Office," or other files. Therefore, HR documents can be created, approved, registered, and stored fully automatically.

Organizational Structure

Information about all departments, their hierarchy, employees, positions, and roles, workgroups, and committees – in short, human resource management.

Employee Files

Qualification documents, vacation records, employee requests, related orders (e.g., for business trips or training), authorizations, ongoing and completed tasks, projects, orders, initiated purchases, employee correspondence regarding work matters, and more are collected.

Employee Request Approval

A standard request form is filled out for vacation, training, phone, equipment, insurance, workwear, etc., and quickly approved according to established procedures. The approval process and roles are configured by the organization itself.

Employee Recruitment

The efficient placement of CVs sent to the organization in a central database, classification, key candidate data, notes, and suitability evaluation. Using the system, personnel documents of potential candidates, such as CVs, are easily found and formulated into reports based on various criteria — by period, position, number of received CVs, interviews, and hired individuals. It also evaluates which recruitment tools or sources are most successful. Such human resource management solutions help carry out effective employee recruitment.

Employment Contract Amendments

Managers can submit requests for changes to an employee's employment contract, work schedule adjustments, salary increases, or the granting of bonuses or motivational allowances. According to established procedures, the approved or rejected request remains confidential and is not accessible to other individuals, nor can it be read by system administrators.

Employee Report Approval

A standard report form is filled out for a completed business trip, received training, attended seminar, fuel consumption, end of probationary period, etc., and quickly approved according to established procedures. Per diem calculations can be included in business trip reports. Training and seminar reports, participant insights, and materials are shared with other employees. In this way, managing HR documents saves time and allows for easier control of multiple processes.

Distribution of Encrypted Payslips

Salary information is imported or synchronized from the business management system into an isolated database, from which predefined payslips are distributed via email in encrypted messages.

Approval of Employee Requests

A standard request form is filled out for a business trip, new employee need, intern, work outside of regular hours, authorization, etc., and quickly approved according to established procedures.

Employee Surveys

Employee opinion surveys, product improvement surveys, work relationship surveys, performance evaluations, anonymous surveys, and others can be conducted. Various types of questions and response structures are used to uncover how employees feel in the work environment, what challenges they are facing, and more. Reports of completed surveys are exported to Excel. Managing personnel documents related to human resources in this way helps consistently gather relevant information about both employees and work quality.

Qualification Tests

They are designed for knowledge verification. Regular tests can be organized to check employees' knowledge according to specific organizational procedures, such as safety knowledge assessments every 2 years.

Work Accounting

Using the HR management system, employees register for specific projects and tasks, where their allocated working hours are recorded. The collected work accounting data is useful for performance and deadline control, task billing, planning of other projects, and resource allocation analysis.

Location Registration

Employees register their planned location during work hours – whether in the office, on a client visit, in a meeting, etc. Vacation, business trips, and sickness are automatically or centrally marked. It is possible to view the overall daily occupancy of all employees graphically. This is especially useful in large companies with multiple departments.

Training Registration

The system, through which personnel documents are managed, also includes training for qualification improvement and professional development. The system's operation is simple: planned training sessions are announced, employees register, and organizers ensure optimal group formation. A history is kept of who participated in which training sessions, and the ratio of training intensity/volume to the employee is visible.

Employee Goals

When strategic goals are distributed to departments and employees, managers assign relevant tasks to team members and monitor their execution. At the end of the period, employee performance is evaluated according to an established procedure.


Human resources management solutions create an environment for internal company communication. The intranet publishes: internal organization news, electronic newspaper, section "About us in the media," organizational events in the calendar, procedures, forms, organizational structure, upcoming employee birthdays with photos, discussions, bulletin board, idea bank, knowledge bases ("Wiki"), blogs, product and service directories, photo galleries, FAQs, and more. In this way, not only are personnel documents managed, but internal communication is also conveniently handled.

Employee Rights Management

The employee or their manager fills out a standard request for rights, such as access to IT systems, the right to use a company car, working equipment, access to the archive, authority to speak on behalf of the organization, the ability to purchase within a specific budget, and more. The request is approved by the appropriate level of management and resource owners. The granted rights are visible both from the resource side (e.g., who holds the keys to the backup power source) and from the employee's side (what rights they have). This ensures that rights are easily auditable and managed.



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