sector | finance

system users | 250+

estaBLisHment | 2010

DePartments LT | 8

DePartments LV | 34

Citadele Bank in Lithuania is owned by the Citadele Group, an international provider of financial services offering a comprehensive range of banking, financial and asset management services for both private and corporate customers. The main market of operation for the Citadele Group is the three Baltic states: Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Process, document and information management system was installed in Citadele Bank in 2015. The implementation project had high requirements for process also it was‘nt typical case because of challenges for Sekasoft to create customized solutions such as credits approval.

The benefits bank obtained:

The biggest value for customer is time savings using sharePoint system and customized proceses.

Easy system using avoiding human mistakes.

Raised the inside efficiency – search of documents and information became much faster and easier.

Better customer service:

  • automated credits approval within internal committees also credit cards applications registration and approval.
  • created clients management site for fast and easy access to all information (finance documents, credits, agreements, contracts, credit cards and other) and activity history in bank system.


In the near future Client‘s plan is to automate documents archiving, special price list approval and automate potential clients of bank inspection within external (government and non-government) databases.

Efficiency numbers

one single place for all necessary information
times faster decision making
0 x
workflow processes has accelerated by a factor of three
0 x
different processes configured in the system
less time for search information related to customer credits, financial documents, payment cards, contracts, etc.
0 %


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