Procurement and Invoice management

Procurement and invoice management helps to automate the processing sequence of procurement requests – preparation, approval, confirmation, centralized registration, and storage. The solution tools allow tracking and controlling procurement approval processes, actions of participants, organizing surveys, voting, discussions, and assigning and monitoring tasks for participants in the procurement process.

Procurement approval and execution control

Procurement management helps to carry out the entire process in a structured and faster manner. The fast approval of purchases according to the complex procedure set by the organization, taking into account the purchase type, amount, budget, etc. The entire process is monitored – statuses, participant actions, visibility rights, process branches. Separate process stages for clarifying the purchase item, organizing the competition, and controlling the procurement.

Management of incoming invoices

Digital invoice management includes: scanning of invoice data (OCR), invoice approval, and transfer to the accounting system. The system will assign invoices to cost centers and forward them for approval to managers or other relevant individuals. Invoices can be linked to purchases, contracts, or budget lines. You will easily track various actions, see deadlines, and manage access rights.

Contract and related document management

**Contract management includes**: centralized registration and classified storage of all contracts with Clients, Suppliers, Partners, and Service Providers within the organization. You will assign responsible employees for execution and control the deadlines. You will have a register of all changes, additions, acts, invoices, and other related documents associated with the contracts.



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