The uniqueness of the system is the modular structure, which can simultaneously include more than 30 organization management solutions adapted to the needs of the Client.
When working with the DVS system AIS, you will easily track information about the progress of operational processes and the performance of tasks assigned to employees, you will receive objective reports on the performance indicators of individual employees, project teams or departments.
You can easily access all the information via your smartphone, where you can also coordinate, sign documents, initiate actions or manage tasks.
- Document management
- Record management
- Process management
- Knowledge bases
- Collaboration
- Intranet
- Quality management
- HR management
- Information management
- Project management
- Invoice management
- Procurement
- Custom solution
- Custom solution
- +30
Why should you choose DMS system AIS?

A range of solutions
Not only DMS, but also:
- Processes
- Tasks
- Humen resources
- Projects
- Quality management
- Intranet
Customization options
- "Do it yourself"
- Easy to configure
- CMS, menus, forms, processes
- Design adaptation according to your brandbook
- Integrations

User Experience (UX)
- Next generation UX
- "Growing" design
- System speed
- Threads of information
- Fast search
- Mobile version
Guarantees of success
- 3 decades of Sekasoft experience
- Best practices across all industry sectors
- Smooth deployment methodology
- Change management
- Orientation to efficiency
- Continuous development / Continuity

With the help of AIS, we can manage our time and processes more efficiently. We are happy to be able to quickly perform document submission, approval and registration, task management - this is especially important now that our usual communication and work principles are changing. The AIS system provides opportunities to quickly place, find and share information. We started with personnel issues, connecting more and more opportunities provided by DMS as needed.

The implemented changes made it possible to increase the transparency of the organization's management, the traceability of actions and the availability of information. The amount of paper documents, as well as the space for their storage, has been significantly reduced. You won't find a single paper document on my personal desk!

We chose this system, taking into account high security requirements and the installer's extensive experience in information management. Also due to the possibility to integrate solutions that increase internal communication and staff engagement and motivation in addition to document and process management. Another important criterion is the flexibility of Lithuanian companies and the ability to find quick and sometimes non-standard solutions.

The document and process management system allows us to work significantly more efficiently and comfortably. This is proven by time saved, information availability and search speed, and the ability to limit who can access the document. After feeling the benefits, there was a desire to have everything in the system.

AIS pagalba galime efektyviau valdyti savo laiką ir procesus. Džiaugiamės galėdami greitai atlikti dokumentų pateikimą, tvirtinimą ir registraciją, užduočių valdymą – tai ypač svarbu dabar, kai keičiasi mums įprasti komunikacijos ir darbo principai. AIS sistema suteikia galimybes greitai patalpinti, surasti bei pasidalinti informacija. Startavome su personalo klausimais, pagal poreikį prijungiant vis daugiau DVS teikiamų galimybių.
One system
For all digital content of the organization: business processes, document management, workflow, quality assurance, contacts, personnel process management, collaboration, e-mail. for mail, intranet, etc.
For active internal communication: news according to rubrics, procedures and forms and initiation of related processes, org. structure, birthdays, calendar, galleries, discussions, polls.
Fast actions
Steps for daily operations such as entering information, creating a document, initiating a process, assigning a task, etc. are conveniently available.
Submission of information
Emails, contracts, sales opportunities, tasks, processes, purchases, complaints, reports, documentation, profile, calendar and related information can be presented according to the relevant customer, project or employee.
Activity reports
Automatic periodic reports, e.g. dutiful performance of tasks, expiring contracts, unanswered letters, etc.
Information encryption, access control and auditing.
The system is accessible through a browser or smartphone.
Electronic signature
Signing documents with a qualified, advanced signature or e-press within the organization or with external participants on a one-stop basis!

DVS solutions for efficient management of the organization
The DMS system AIS provides the experience of exceptional opportunities for users to complete a system that will satisfy your most demanding needs. Experience the AIS system as a one-stop shop - in a normal environment!
- #Intranet
- #Tasks
- #Digital documents
- #Internal communication
- #E-signature
- #HR processes
- #Information management
- #Projects
- #Quality management
- #Procurement
- #Activity processes
- #Sales
- #Correspondence
- #Management documents
- #Management reports
- #ECM
- #Contracts
- #CRM
- #Knowledge management
- #Non-conformance management
- #Document management
- #Invoices